


  1. Position Paper- AVERE’s Call for Greening Corporate Fleets

    Position Paper- AVERE’s Call for Greening Corporate Fleets

    AVERE believes that the uptake of zero-emission vehicles in corporate fleets can only be achieved via a holistic mix of “push and pull” policy and financing measures that also focus on stimulating Electric Vehicles (EV) demand and maximising the conversion of kilometres-driven to zero-emissions kilometres. Converting to zero-emissions usership, notably through shared mobility EVs, is a vital factor in making zero-emissions mobility much more widely accessible in Europe. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight some potential measures.

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  2. Position Paper- Charging for All - A Vision for an Accessible European Charging Infrastructure

    Position Paper- Charging for All - A Vision for an Accessible European Charging Infrastructure

    AVERE urges the European Commission and in particular DG MOVE's Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) to speed up its work on harmonising accessibility requirements in terms of communication features, hardware and site design. While establishing a European standard might not be possible in a short space of time, it is essential that the European Commission publishes, as soon as possible, its guidelines promoting best practices ensuring the user-friendliness of charging infrastructure while offering flexibility to charging point operators and equipment manufacturers involved in achieving our charging point deployment targets.

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  3. AVERE Press Release: EP’s TRAN Committee Delivers Positive Position on the Weights and Dimensions Directive

    AVERE Press Release: EP’s TRAN Committee Delivers Positive Position on the Weights and Dimensions Directive

    AVERE welcomes the position adopted by the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee on the Weights and Dimensions Directive.

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  4. Transition in the AVERE Secretariat

    Brussels. Today, AVERE – The European Association for Electromobility, is announcing a major transition in its Secretariat. After seven years of unwavering dedication, our esteemed Secretary General, Mr Philippe Vangeel, is stepping down from his role.

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  5. ZEV-UP EU-Project Kick-Off in Brussels

    ZEV-UP EU-Project Kick-Off in Brussels

    AVERE participated at the kick-off meeting for the EU-project ZEV-UP in Brussels.

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